Vertix Holdings

We create opportunities for people to thrive and provide genuine value.

The Vertix Investment Division’s activities are primarily focused on the formation and management of investments for the Vertix Group, as well as the provision of support that includes investment management and oversight of Vertix’s business units.

Our investment activities are also centered on partnerships in the region and around the world. We have a team of highly experienced investment experts who are constantly on the lookout for opportunities that will benefit both Vertix Holdings and our investment partners. Our values and principles are upheld at all times, as they are in all of our other business sectors and group companies. Continue reading to learn more about our investment activities.

Our investment goal is to provide long-term value to shareholders through capital growth and cash flow, and we invest in a portfolio of carefully selected companies with outstanding management and projects that provide a balanced exposure to high risk/high reward sectors.

All about about our Investments

Vertix Holdings has Executive representation on the boards of directors of its operating subsidiaries, which are unlisted companies. Non-subsidiary investments include both listed and unlisted companies that are not under Vertix Holdings’ control and are mostly associated companies due to significant influence and Board representation.

Vertix Investments invests directly in its wholly owned companies, as well as through partnerships in projects throughout the UAE and abroad, as well as through investments in funds managed by external investment managers.