Vertix Holdings

We believe in Corporate Social Responsibility

Vertix aspires to be a company that society wishes to have. We strive to be a responsible business and community partner. As part of our effort to embody this ideal, we have developed a business approach that seeks to uphold the following corporate citizenship principles and responsibilities.

Vertix strives to foster an environment in which each associate’s ambitions and abilities can be nurtured, as well as a workplace in which an individual’s potential can be actively realized. As a result, we are committed to ensuring that everyone who works for us is treated with dignity and respect, and that everyone has a meaningful opportunity to contribute to the company’s success.

As a responsible member of society, the company will make every effort to contribute to human health and the preservation of the global environment in every phase of its corporate activity. Only in this way can we ensure a prosperous future not only for our company, but also for the entire world.

Vertix Holdings strives to communicate its commitment to its customers, associates, suppliers, dealers, other business partners, and the communities in which we live and work by adhering to the aforementioned principles. Furthermore, we expect any party doing business with Vertix to embrace and uphold these principles to the best of their abilities.